

Certificates for diamonds

My customers are often asking me some questions about the certificates for diamonds. And I will explain briefly what certificates we use in our trade. GIA certificates - those certificates are iss...
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We give jewellery and accessories a new lease of life. This reduces the demand for mining, hence lowering our carbon footprint. What’s more, the styles of years gone by are preserved.
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How to clean jewellery

How to clean jewellery

I would like to discuss this important topic, as we all want our customers to keep their jewellery possessions in the utmost pristine condition.
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5 top tips on how to choose a jewellery gift

Hi everyone, Now I will talk about how to choose the perfect jewellery gift. We all want to chose the gift which will be cherished and which will bring joy to its new owner. But how we can do it? U...
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Colour in Diamonds - Chapter 3

Now we will talk about fancy coloured diamonds. With fancy coloured diamonds, the situation is the opposite from colourless diamonds. In fancy colours - the higher the colour, the more expensive th...
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Colour in Diamonds - Chapter 2

While talking about colour in diamonds, chemically pure perfect diamond has no hue. It means that such diamond has higher value. The colours are divided into: colourless (D,E,F), near colourless (G...
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Colour in diamonds - chapter 1

The second of 4C’s is colour. In colourless diamonds, the less colour, the more valuable the diamond. In colourless diamonds, the range of colour comes from D (the top colour) to Z. If we talk abou...
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First of 4 Cs

We all know about the main 4Cs of each diamond - Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat. I would say that Cut is the number one component in diamonds. We often think that Cut refers only to the shape of th...
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Name Your Own Price!
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